Thursday, July 5, 2012

Where Does Inspiration Come From?

According to in World English Dictionary, inspiration is:
  1. stimulation or arousal of mind, feeling, etc, to special or unusual activity or creativity
  2. the state or quality of being so stimulated or aroused
  3. someone or something that cause this state
  4. an idea or action resulting from such a state
  5. the act or process of inhaling;  breathing in
When we talk about inspiration, we often talks about idea, imagination, dream, person, or story.
Inspiration comes in many ways and forms.
But then the question asked where it comes from? How to get inspiration?
Well based on my experience I would like to share where to find inspiration in your life.
You must know what I'm talking about, just take it as reminder.

Sometimes what you truly need is not far away from you. Just look around.
~Wilson Wijaya,Lee/4 July 2012~

1.  Dream and Imagination

I know you will say,"I KNOW THAT!" but the question is DID YOU REALIZE IT?

Most of the time what or where do you want is just as far as dream and imagination. When we truly want to have something, our brain somehow manages to tell us. Dream more than just a flower, nice thought, or imagination.

Everything great we had now started from a simple dream and imagination. Imagine if Wright brothers didn't dream that human can fly, there will be no air plane. It's so simple to the point people tend to ignore it. Unfortunately children are forced not to dream big. Before you make it, you have to dream it, imagine it, want it. Don't let people make you down. Have faith and give your very best.

My experience:
When I was in secondary school, I imagined to study abroad. I even dreamed to enter Harvard or Oxford (I know you will tell me it's too BIG for a dream). But that's point, dream BIG enough till people tell you it's impossible. Although I didn't attend neither of them, I ended up at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. It's BIG enough for me to be able to graduate from there.

Starting from a small town, Baturaja (even Indonesian didn't know where it is - 4 hours from Palembang), I went to an international hub city, Singapore. I learned new thins and gained new knowledge. It's such a blessing for me and it started from a DREAM. Till today I still dream to attend Harvard and on the way to make it happen.

2. Creations

Anything that people make or create can be inspiration. Not just things made by human but also things that came by itself (or created by GOD if you believe). Music, film, poem, picture, painting, song, drama, theater, and so on, you name it.
Al these things can be inspiration in human life and they intended to be one.

Nature, sea, mountain, flower, rain, and even disaster. Tsunami became inspiration for human race to be one and united. Love became inspiration for film, drama, song, etc. They try to persuade us into some values or philosophies. So look around yourself, there are so many creation. What is the creation that  inspired you the most?

My experience:
I was so inspired by  so many songs, drama, films, and arts. Indeed I will say it proudly I was so inspired by Korean and Japan lifestyle. I go insane about Japanese life and tradition (HONESTLY). In one or other way, they have shaped me to be who I am now. Hollywood has been my inspiration for a whole life. Their movies has been my friend for better and worse. My mood can change easily by watching movie and drama. Here are some lists of drama/movie that has change my way of thinking (please check by yourself if you have time and like it):
  1. The Bucket List (film)
  2. 49 Days (Korean drama)
  3. Scent of Woman (Korean drama)
  4. Departure (Japanese film)
  5. Doraemon (Japanese anime/manga)
  6. Detective Conan (Japanese manga)
3. Past Experience

When I said experience, it's not just your but others also. Sharing, teaching, discussion are ways to get inspired by others. Think moment in the past that really inspired you to move on and stand strong. It could be the day when your parent passed away. Or the day when people looked down on you and your family. Or the day when you won your very first medal. Make them your motivation to walk your life now.

Actually it's hard to inspire and motivate people.
Don't think being a motivator is easy, you can just talk about good thing. No, you are wrong. It's hard to motivate people since only you that can motivate yourself. Motivator just remind or let you know about the motivation you have. At the end you are the judge which one to be your motivation. Coming to seminar of great and successful person is useless if you are not ready. You first have to be ready to be motivated, to learn, to hear, and get inspired. So if you are ready, talk to great people, share with others, and inspire you and others.

My experience:
I have met so many people that inspired my life.
Starting from my family, my mother is such an excellent example.
You have heard about her story from my past entry (read this).
Then moving on to superstar, political figures, and teachers.
They have shaped my thinking and the way I see the world.
Thanks to them I become the man who now are trying to motivate people.
Well I don't like to be called motivator, I prefer to say it as SHARING.
Through this blog, twitter, Facebook, etc I shared my thinking, story, and inspiration.
That are some inspiration sources for me and I'm sure you may have more.
The point is remember to look around yourself where you can find an inspiration.
Walk on the pathway in the afternoon, breath slowly, enjoy the moment and view.
There you may find such a wonderful "lamp" above your head.

The key to get the inspiration is LET YOURSELF BE INSPIRED.
I think there is no other way  to get inspired other than let yourself to be one.
Don't thin too much or find it far way in difficult place.
Look deep down yourself and soul to find the answer.

Besides that, I would like to remind you NOT TO LET OTHER DISTURB YOU.
As I said you are the key, filter of what you want inside you.
If you let people word inspire you, you will get it and be motivated.
If you let people word discourage you, you plan to fail yourself.
Hence it's become a sword with two edges.
It can become a strong weapon to conquer the world.
Or it can become a poison that kill you.
Before you get inspired, let yourself first to be inspired. Then the inspiration can become motivation to push you forward.
Dare to dream big. If you shoot the moon, you may end up shooting the star.
The one that can dream is the one that conquers the world.

Imagination is the door to the new world of fantasy and creativity.
~Wilson Wijaya,Lee/5 July 2012~

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