Saturday, June 30, 2012

Question about LIFE: Have you???

Purpose of Life

If you follow my twitter account then you will know what I'm talking about.
Well for those who have no idea what I'm talking about well let me quote my twitter:
Question about life:1. Have you found joy in your life? 2. Have you brought joy to other people life? 3. Have you made meaning of your life?
~Wilson Wijaya, Lee/30 June 2012~
This tweet later  gained comment from one of my best friend:
Friend: Not at all. Any solution for this?
Me: I'm also on the way to find the answer. Everyone will surely have different answer. Depend on your own standard.
Then you will ask me, how the hell I get to ask these questions?

\This morning, 3AM to be exact, I watched The Bucket List on TV. The movie was really good and keep me reflecting on myself how far I have went. What will be on my bucket list to achieve before I "kick the bucket"? Where is the end of it and when will the end come?

There was conversation on movie on Greek paradise, to be able to pass the gate you have to answer the questions. Then what will be you answer, have you thought about it before? It's funny to know that most of the time we life our life as it is.

Well people say let it flow like river stream till it find the final end.
However to live my life to fullest I need to know what the purpose of my life. Sure enough I believe all of you also looking for the most final answer. What is the purpose of your life?

I think through this question we can narrow down our meditation about purpose life.
1. To find joy in our life.
2. To share the joy with others.

Hence we can make a meaningful life in our road to final end.
Either you believe in  God or not, heaven or hell, karma, etc the life is too good to be wasted. We only have one life; unless you believe in reincarnation. Though you believe that you will be born again, you will not repeat the same life. Each life is unique and different according to you.

I'm not a spiritual leader nor a wise old man. I don't really like to have a deep thought and meditation. However it struck me to think about my life. The thinking is so deep yet so engaging to keep me go deeper. In religion they tell you that purpose of life is to be together with your creator, to be free from all misery, and to find final rest and peace.

Knowing that it doesn't make my life can go in waste and doing nothing.
Living my life to fullest give more meaning by making a way to make a value of my life.
I won't teach you how to live you life, it's your choice to make.
But I would like to engage you in reflection and thinking how you want to fill your life.
If you choose to make a meaning in life, please do so.
If you do otherwise, I will not against it as long as you don't disturb others.

Answering the Question
Back to my friend comment, any solution to answer the question. No, I have no solution till now, you can follow Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, or any other religious figure on earth. Else you can make your own spiritual guide on answering the question. I think the best answer is YOU, yes it depends on how YOU see and live it. I will try to help you answering the question through reflecting question. Let me break the explanation to each question:

1. Have you found joy in your life?

Before answering this question, please answer the following question in your heart. Give a thought. What is joy in your life? Having a lot of money? Having a big house? Having a big name and famous? So far what have you done to make it happen in your life? Education? Religion? Work? What defines the joy in your life? What values that effect you? Religion? Philosophy? Social norm?

Joy is a joy as long as it fill your heat. For me a joy is when a mother gives birth with love to her child. Joy is when a father dies to protect his child. Joy is when a child can live a happy life with their parent.

I may not be rich to found joy, may be my poor situation make me find joy and value in money.
I may not be clever to found joy, completing degree with my best effort is a joy for me.
I may not be religious to found joy, having a simple prayer in my room is joy of life.
As you can see the situation and condition limit the meaning of joy.
They define and make meaning of joy itself and back to YOU.
Hence the answer I suggest is WHAT DO YOU THINK?

2. Have you brought joy to other people life?

Well this is an arrogance question. I could say I have big impact for thousands or billions lives. If you see it like that, Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad have brought joys to their follower. Then until we can be like them, we have not brought any joy to other people. WRONG, I don't think so. Even just one people means that I have brought joy to him/her. Have you treated your spouse well? Have you loved them as yourself?

A teacher gives joy to student trough teaching. A mother gives joy to her child through love and care. A man gives joy to a woman though sharing of love and life. A simple smile can bring thousand joy to some people but at the same time can bring sadness. Everything has two side of coin in it, bad and good. Again it backs to situation and condition how it will turn out.

Money can bring joy to a family but at the same time can be a disaster. Love can bring joy to people but at the same time can hurt them deeply. To bring joy to people for me means to know what to offer to them. Simple conversation can be a joy. Your presence can be be a joy. A kiss can be a joy. Hence the answer I suggest is WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

3. Have you made a meaning of your life?

If wasting your life is what you chose, then you have made meaning of it. If developing your talents made you happy, then you have made it. If having family is your sole purpose, then you have got it. A value comes from the owner how he/she values the value. If you see my past entry on Words about Working Bryan Dyson said:
Value has value only if its value is valued.
I think this the answer of this question. A meaning has a purpose and mean only if you give the meaning to it. Hence the answer I suggest is WHAT MEANING YOU GIVE MEANING TO IT?


A life is only life until you give meaning to it.
Whether you will succeed in your life or you will fail it, the decision is yours.
The question can be a guide to you to pass though the road of life.
You can make it as a mere question that pass you one day.
Or you can make it as obsession to fulfill your desire.
Else you can make it as guide and reference to move on.
I aint a teacher nor a philosopher, just a normal student of knowledge and wisdom.
However don't get blinded by the question till you forget what is truly important.
Stay still, stop, think, and reflect is good as long as you decide the next step.
If you stop at some point and  not moving on, I wish that is the point when you have found the answer.
If not then i suggest you to keep moving forward with new perspective.
Life is a choice whatever you chose please be responsible about it.
~Wilson Wijaya, Lee/30 June 2012~

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